Published on Monday May 30, 2016
Smooth Drug Development May 2016 News Release
Smooth Drug Development initiates activities on several new projects:
- Smooth Drug Development initiates a project support program in multiple sclerosis.
- A round table within a Risk Management Plan program in multiple sclerosis is being organized. Leading experts in the field of MS are invited to visit the event.
- Two bioequivalence studies with different dosages of pregabalin are initiated.
- A phase III study for a combination drug in flu is being initiated. The study will involve 420 patients at 15 sites.
- Our company performs Data Management and medical writing services in a bioequivalence trial with erlotinib.
- A phase III trial with sildenafil is being initiated. The study will involve 98 patients. Patient enrollment will take place at 7 sites.
Smooth Drug Development completed several trials in May 2016:
- Our company completed a bioequivalence trial with entecavir for a global company.
- Our company completed a bioequivalence trial with moxifloxacin for a global international company.
- Final reports are prepared for two bioequivalence trials with a combination of acetylsalicylic acid and magnesium hydroxide for a leading Russian company.
- Close out visits are performed in two phase III studies with fibrin sealant.
- Smooth Drug Development completed enrollment into a phase IV study in acute respiratory infection in children ages 3-15 years 2 months ahead of schedule.